Best Nerf Guns Reviewed
Playing with Nerf guns is a favorite activity among families. These toys represent affordable, harmless fun, as long as you’re wearing protective glasses! But with so many models on the market, it can be hard to make the right purchasing choice. In this guide, we'll review the best Nerf guns for every budget and player type.
The best nerf guns guarantee accuracy, distance, and easy loading. When you are in a Nerf blaster battle, these are the key elements for success. You want a Nerf gun that will give you an advantage over your competitors.
We are here to help you make a difficult decision. You are going to drop some hard-earned cash on a Nerf gun. We want to make sure you get the right Nerf blaster for your needs.
Nerf realizes that there are a lot of different reasons we buy their blasters. (We will use both blaster and gun throughout this article. We consider them interchangeable). They make a wide range of blasters to satisfy a wide range of buyers. This can make it tough to choose the right one. We hope this article will help you understand the different Nerf gun series. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each series will make it easier for you to buy the best Nerf gun for your needs.
Check out these awesome Gel Blasters. These are great for older kids.
Understanding The Different Nerf Gun Series
It is an understatement to say there are a lot of Nerf gun models. They range from blasters designed for Star Wars fans to models that are motorized with ultra-fast reloading and launching. We are going to attempt to bring you up to speed on all the available Nerf gun series and then point out a few of the best Nerf guns in each series. If you want to jump ahead to the list of the best Nerf blasters, click here.
What Is The Nerf N-Strike Series
So, what do you need to know about the Nerf N-Strike Series? This is the top-level name for Nerf Guns that are styled to be more realistic than the early Nerf blasters. They fire Nerf darts and generally allow you to load multiple darts for rapid firing. There are several sub-series that fit under the Nerf N-Strike umbrella. They all share similar features like dart firing, realistic styling, and multi-dart loading.
Details Of The Nerf N-Strike Elite Series
How about the Nerf N-Strike Elite series? What makes this series different from the regular N-Strike series?
The N-Strike Elite series is an update to the N-Strike line. This series has been around since 2012. The blasters are generally colored blue, orange, and white. The internal mechanics were improved for this series. That means the N-Strike Elite series blasters are easier to load and fire. Many of the best Nerf Guns currently available are part of this series.
What is the best Nerf gun in the N-Strike Elite Series?
For this, we went with a classic. The Nerf N-Strike Elite Disruptor is a perfect first Nerf blaster. With a simple design, easy loading, and a six-dart capacity, this is perfect for small-scale blaster battles. Also, this gun is very affordable. We see prices between $12 and $15 on most sites. We highly recommend this Nerf blaster for any newbies.
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What is the Nerf Elite 2.0 Series
People ask us, is the Nerf Elite series 2.0 good? The answer is yes if you want to customize your blasters.
The Nerf Elite 2.0 series is an update of the Elite series that happened in 2020. This series of Nerf Blasters is designed to be customized. You can add cool features to your Nerf gun. Attachments like new stocks, clips, and bipods are available. We expect Nerf to continue releasing new attachments so you can keep upgrading your Nerf Elite 2.0.
What Is The Best Nerf Elite 2.0 Series Blaster? 
We like the NERF Elite 2.0 Shockwave RD-15 Blaster. This is a 15-dart blaster with pump-action reloading. This, like all Elite 2.0 blasters, is perfect for customizing. You can use your imagination when selecting attachments to upgrade. With Elite 2.0 you can create the perfect gun to win all your Nerf battles.
Click here to see the best Nerf Elite 2.0 blaster.
Nerf Accustrike Series Explained
The Accustrike series from Nerf is designed to launch the Accustrike darts. These darts are designed to travel long distances with greater accuracy than the standard Nerf dart (you can buy them here). The Accustrike blasters are easily identifiable because of their orange, gray, and white color scheme. The Accustrike series feature some of the best blasters for Nerf battles staged outdoors. If you are looking for accuracy from a distance, you should consider purchasing an Accustrike model.
People often ask how far the Nerf Accustrike darts travel. They can be fired up to 75 feet in the proper conditions, but the accuracy goes down significantly at that distance.
What is the best Nerf Accustrike Series gun?
The Nerf N-Strike Elite AccuStrike Alphastrike is the best Accustrike gun. This gun is rated a 4.5 on Amazon. It uses Elite darts for more accurate firing. There are some comments about it jamming, but we haven't had an issue like that. We love the accuracy and the power of the Alphastrike.
You can purchase this Accustrike Series blaster by clicking here.
What Is The Nerf Gun Modulus Series
Modulus Series Nerf Guns are all about flexibility and options. Each blaster comes with several configurations. You choose which configuration is going to be the best for the challenges you face. You can add scopes, bipods, different-sized clips, longer barrels, and a host of other custom features. Nerf blasters in the Modulus Series are easy to identify by their white, green, and orange styling. Retailers will often have "exclusive" versions of Modulus Series blasters, so do some research before you purchase one.
What is the best Modulus Gun?
The best Modulus Gun is the Longstrike Nerf Modulus Toy Blaster. This Modulus gun is exclusive to Amazon right now. It receives 4.6 stars on Amazon's scale of five stars. It features a scope, bipod, barrel extender, and three six-dart clips. You can fire six darts before you need to reload. You can order one here.
You can order the best Modulus Blaster here.
What Makes The Nerf Mega Series Unique
Nerf Mega Series blasters are unique because they use a large-sized dart. The Mega darts are easily recognizable because of their red body, orange tip, and larger size. You can purchase Mega darts here.
The N-Strike Mega series blasters are also styled in red and orange plus some dark gray. These are the best Nerf guns if you want to be the person with the biggest blaster at the Nerf battle.
What Is The Best Nerf Mega Gun?
The best Nerf Mega gun is the N-Strike Megalodon and it's all about size. If you are going to for this series of blasters, why hold back? The bigger the better. We get into more detail below, but we can summarize this choice with one word, massive. This Nerf Mega Blaster brings massive darts, massive capacity, and massive fun.
You can purchase the Megalodon here.
Why Is The Nerf Rival One Of The Best Nerf Guns
Nerf Rival blasters are designed to launch foam balls instead of darts. This allows Nerf to fit more projectiles into a smaller space. The RIval Series blasters give up a bit of accuracy for an increase in the speed of loading and firing. The change in projectile design also opened up a whole new world of blaster designs. The Rival Series has some of the best Nerf gun designs in our opinion. You can see what the Nerf Rival balls look like by clicking here.
Which Nerf Rival Blaster Is The Best?
There are a lot of options in the Rival series from Nerf. Our personal favorite is the
Nerf Rival Prometheus MXVIII-20K. The Prometheus is a beast of a blaster. It holds 200 Nerf Rival balls and can fire 8 of them per second! The balls travel at 100 feet per second from this battery-powered battle machine.
Now, this isn't necessarily the best option for all people. We would keep this one away from young children. We would rate this as a blaster for advanced players who can handle the power.
You can order one of the best Nerf guns here.
What Is A Nerf Rapidstrike Series Blaster
Are you ready to move into the world of motorized blasters? The Nerf Rapidstrik Series is for you. These really bring the heat with its automated loading and launch of Nerf darts.
These are designed for older kids and adults who are kids at heart. These blasters hold around 20 darts and fire them in rapidly. You can launch a dart 90 feet with a Rapidstrike blaster.
The 12 Best Nerf Guns in 2022
NERF Hyper Mach-100
What makes this one of the best Nerf blasters you can buy? It's the speed. You can launch up to 100 balls at 110 feet per second before you need to reload. That's a huge advantage in almost every blaster battle. This blaster also looks great and doesn't jam.
One thing to be aware of, these nerf pellets hurt when launched that fast. You really need to wear eye protection and we don't suggest this blaster for the younger ones.
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Nerf Halo Needler
Some of the best Nerf guns are inspired by video games. The Nerf Halo Needler fits into that category. Styled after an iconic gun from the Halo Video game series, the Needler is a departure from your average Nerf blaster.
Grip the handle of this blaster and the needles glow. You can load up to 10 Nerf darts at a time and then rapid fire them.
This is sure to be a collector's item for years to come and Nerf knows it. They even provide a display stand so you can show it off.
Click here to order.
NERF Rival Kronos XVIII-500
You should never go into a battle without a trusty weapon, and NERF pistols are an excellent choice. While they’re not as powerful as automatic guns, models like the NERF Rival Kronos XVIII-500 will surprise your rivals. This model comes in blue, red, and white, and is one of the best-designed Nerf guns around. Luckily, the Kronos XVIII-500 is easy to carry and efficient, with five high-impact foam balls.
The trigger lock, spring-action mechanism, and tactical rail will help with your aim. It's also comfortable to use with one hand, so the more daredevil enthusiast may even dual-wield with two guns. That said, this only applies to teenagers and adults, as this model fires harder and has a large grip. Low capacity and the lack of slam fire are the only weak points here, but that’s understandable, considering the $19.99 price tag.
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Nerf Rampage N-Strike Elite Toy Blaster
If shotgun-style Nerf guns are among your favorites, the N-Strike Elite Toy Blaster might just be the right choice for you. Combining slam and rapid-fire with a 25-dart drum gives it a lot of firepower. The range is also excellent, as this blaster can hit your opponent from 90ft. Firing the darts is manual, but the advantage here is that this model doesn't require batteries.
This makes the gun suitable for children. Even though it packs impressive firepower, the N-Strike uses darts with hollow tips that won't cause any harm.
Overall, the N-Strike Elite Toy Blaster is a universal Nerf gun. It's easy to carry and it can hit a target from a long distance. It also excels in close combat, and with rapid-fire, you'll make your enemies run for cover. While you may experience a few jamming issues, they’re rare enough not to spoil the enjoyment. And although the $69.75 price is above average, it’s still reasonable.
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Nerf N-Strike Elite Disruptor
While the Nerf N-Strike Elite Strongarm is still among the best Nerf pistols around, the Elite Disruptor certainly puts it in the shade. What makes this model better than its predecessor is the loading mechanism. The Strongarm had a revolving chamber similar to real revolvers, which made reloading very slow. In comparison, this model uses a front-loading mechanism, which might not be realistic, but is definitely more practical. This way, reloading became much faster. This solution simplified the gun, also making it more affordable at $17.99.
The N-Strike Elite Disruptor doesn't use batteries, but it features slam fire. Firing power is impressive as the blasted dart can reach up to 80ft. The trigger is very responsive, making this model an excellent secondary weapon. Like most other foam pistols, the capacity is only six darts. Plus, you need to be careful, as the gun will jam if the darts slip in the cylinder. Because of its compactness, the N-Strike Elite Disruptor is ideal for all generations and can easily be dual-wielded, since the handle has a comfortable grip to help you be more accurate.
You can order one here
Nerf N-Strike Elite Stryfe Blaster
Semi-automatic Nerf guns take the best elements of manual and automatic models. They provide better accuracy than automatic blasters while being quicker to fire than the manual mechanism. Even though the N-Strike Elite Stryfe Blaster has been available for years, this nerf gun is still among the best on the market. This is a compact blaster suitable for all ages, which can also be upgraded. Instead of the basic six-round clip, you can install an 18-round mag. The firing mechanism requires spinning up the flywheel to shoot, but you can do so easily with your middle finger. Patience is the key. If you fire too soon, the darts will travel a short distance. Even though flywheel-based blasters can have problems with reliability, the Stryfe only displays this weakness when the battery life is low.
This model is among the most accurate in the semi-automatic class, and even better than many full-size blasters or pistols. By shooting straight, the darts will reach about 40ft. But with a 45 degrees arc, you can reach close to 70ft. The N-Strike Elite Stryfe Blaster is getting hard to find, dictating its $69.99 price. That's another reason to make it a priority on your Nerf buying list.
Nerf Zombie Hammer Shot
The Nerf Zombie Hammer Shot has a basic design, so many people will overlook it when searching for a Nerf gun to add to their collection. However, skipping this model would be a mistake, as its functionality rivals the more expensive models. One of the key selling points of the Zombie Hammer Shot is that it's comfortable to use for both children and adults. The manual loading mechanism is one of the best on the market, allowing you to insert the foam darts into the chamber quickly and easily.
This model is excellent for building your confidence, especially for new players. Even if you've never held a Nerf gun, you'll become familiar with it in minutes. What makes the Zombie Hammer Shot suitable for kids is that it doesn't require a lot of upper body power to cock the trigger. Like most Nerf pistols, this one has a capacity for only five darts. Still, considering the low price of $15.99 and its universal appeal, it's highly recommended.
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Nerf Doomlands Lawbringer
This imposing gun features an excellent grip that’s suitable for both large and small hands. As the stock is short, adults will prefer shooting from the hip, rather than the shoulder. The Doomlands Lawbringer holds up to 12 darts in a fixed cylinder. The loading mechanism takes time to adjust as you load each dart by pointing it away from the target. Reloading cylinders is faster than magazines, which makes the Lawbringer ideal for long battles. This model is suited for close and mid-range combat as it can't hit targets past 70ft. As the spring blaster is non-slam fire, the rate of fire depends on your ability.
With a decent capacity and ergonomics, the Doomslands Lawbringer is an interesting choice for a primary weapon. It might confuse and surprise your enemies on the battlefield since the loading is quicker than expected for such a large gun. Plus, as it’s compact and doesn't feature batteries, it’s a model suited for children. At $39.99, it's a bit more expensive than similar models but still affordable.
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Nerf Modulus Tri-Strike
As life isn’t a video game, you can't go into Nerf battle carrying more than your primary or secondary weapons. At least, that was the case before the Nerf Modulus Tri-Strike raised the bar. As the name suggests, this model acts like a Transformer, as it combines three weapons in one. You have a basic 10-dart clip blaster, a missile launcher, and a mega-dart barrel extension.
To use the Modulus Tri-Strike, you'll need some time to adjust. Once you become familiar with it, this model will open up the possibilities for creative play. Plus, your rivals will have a harder time fighting you. Primarily, because they'll never know how often you'll strike them. While the Modulus Tri-Strike is meant for ages 8+, it may be too big for smaller children. However, the dart blaster component is perfect for smaller hands. Since this model combines three different weapons that can be used separately, its price tag of $69.99 represents good value for money.
Order A Nerf Tri-Strike Here
Nerf N-Strike Megalodon
One look at the Nerf N-Strike Megalodon and you might imagine yourself as sergeant Blain Cooper from the Predator movie, wielding the iconic "Old Painless" minigun. The overall design fits that narrative as the gun looks pretty intimidating. Here, it's all about pure power, as your rivals have no other option but to run away once you start blasting. The shooting mechanism is simple, as the mag will spin when you crank the handle and shoot. With a capacity of 20 mega-darts, this gun will clear the battlefield. Another strong point of the N-Strike Megalodon is the range, as it can hit a target from almost 100ft away.
This Nerf gun features a surprisingly simple reloading mechanism, allowing you to add new rounds while moving. But this isn’t a flawless weapon by any means, as the shooting mechanism isn’t among the fastest. While you'll receive 20 whistling darts in the package, you might want to buy more. The build quality is excellent, even though it's lightweight. Because of its size, the N-Strike Megalodon might be unsuitable for children, but it will be favored by older Nerf players. The attractive price of $39.99 makes it the best-buy among Nerf miniguns.
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Nerf Rival Artemis XVII-3000
Spring-powered Nerf guns are ideal for primary weapons, as they’re reliable, stealthy, and have decent accuracy and range. Though this model looks bulky, it's surprisingly compact. While primarily made for adults, children can also handle it. The Artemis has an impressive 30-ball capacity and uses spheric balls as bullets. As the magazines aren't removable, loading up is pretty unique. You need to expose the opening in the magazine by sliding back the cover to reload. As the springs are compressed during the process, you don't need to use force. What makes this gun so powerful is the slam-fire mode. Blasting all 30 rounds takes only 10 seconds, and it will most certainly scare your rivals. However, Artemis is primarily a short-distance weapon.
With a 90fps, Artemis isn’t among the best in the class, but it makes up for that with excellent grouping and accuracy. This makes it the right choice for a primary or bulky secondary option. At $44.99, it comes in two colors, and as it doesn't need batteries, it's an excellent choice for beginners.
You Can Order One Of The Best Nerf Guns Here
Nerf Elite Titan
If power is your priority, it's hard to argue against the Nerf Elite Titan CS-50. With a massive 50-dart drum and fully motorized mechanism, this model is unstoppable in large-scale battles. As you fire your official Nerf elite darts, the barrel will look stunning in action. Since this is a pretty big gun, you can use a shoulder strap for increased comfort and accuracy. However, because of its size, children will have difficulty using it.
With the Nerf Elite Titan, you can use both hands for hip fire, and it's easy to do so with this fully automatic gun. That makes it ideal for protecting your fort or attacking opponents. While the rate of fire could be better, it rivals similar Nerf guns. What also makes it an attractive choice is that you can use most Nerf Elite dart clips. Be aware that the batteries are not included, nor are additional clips. The $69.99 price tag is close to similar models.
Learn More About The Nerf Elite Titan Here
Nerf Rival Nemesis MXVII-10K
Fully automatic guns are the most popular primary weapons as they have the fastest rate of fire and a large ammo capacity. The Nerf Rival Nemesis is one the fastest Nerf guns available, firing five balls per second. As it holds up to 100 high-impact Rival balls, you won't need to reload it often. Rival balls are very similar to golf balls, as they feature the same dimples. This gives them better accuracy and muzzle velocity than Elite darts.
Even though it's battery-powered and has a high capacity, the Nerf Rival Nemesis weighs less than similar guns. Its ergonomics are also excellent, although it's still unsuitable for children. The only downside is that this is the most expensive product on our list at $97.51. It's also recommended to buy rechargeable batteries as D batteries are heavy and won’t last very long.
Click here to learn more
Nerf N-Strike AccuStrike RaptorStrike
If you prefer to battle from a long distance, sniper rifles are the best choice. With a bolt-shooting mechanism, the AccuStrike RaptorStrike provides both power and accuracy. For added stability, it comes with a tripod. The package also contains 18 Nerf AccuStrike Darts, although the ammo capacity of both magazines is six darts. Plus, you can use regular Nerf Darts, but they’re less accurate. As the magazines are transparent, you can easily track how soon you need to reload. This sniper is very accurate, and it doesn't use batteries, making it easier to shift your position. Unfortunately, a scope isn’t available.
While jamming is infrequent, if it happens, you can free the Nerf darts by using the top jam door. Although the N-Strike AccuStrike RaptorStrike requires practice to use efficiently, it's a fun sniper rifle to use. In massive battles where other team members can protect you, it's easy to devastate opposing forces. Even though it's recommended for ages eight and up, younger children could use this $49.99 gun as it's so lightweight.
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What to Consider When Looking For The Best Nerf Gun
While the quality of a Nerf gun should be the priority, you should buy one that fits your shooting style. These are the questions you should answer to make the perfect Nerf gun choice:
What's the User Age?
While Nerf guns are popular among kids and adults, they’re not one-size-fits-all. Each Nerf gun comes with the recommended minimum user age, but you should also take its size into account. Some Nerf guns are surprisingly heavy and more suited for teenagers or adults. The more powerful Nerf guns can also be dangerous for young kids.
Most of the more complex guns are rated as 8+. You can make a case that some of the more powerful Nerf guns should be marked as 12+. Consider the size of the projectile coming out, the speed it comes out at, and your child's protective gear. Here is some advice on how to keep safe while playing with Nerf guns.
Is The Best Nerf Gun For You Manual or Automatic?
With manual models, you'll have to reload by hand. These models are usually cheaper, and if the gun capacity is low, you'll be able to load darts quickly. Automatic Nerf guns store ammunition in clips, so the reloading time is much shorter. If you take your Nerf war seriously, automatics should be your choice of weapon, even though manuals are less prone to jamming and easier to clean.
What Type of Ammo?
While the traditional Nerf guns use darts, some models shoot mega darts and high-impact balls. Regular darts are the best choice for smaller kids, or anyone preferring a safer option. The mega darts hit harder, but not to the point of pain. Finally, high-impact balls are spherical and heavier. Therefore, they hit the hardest of all. Note that Nerf guns with high-impact balls should be used only by players aged 14 or up.
Do Your Prefer Close or the Long-Range Combat?
If your playground is small, you'll be happy with the basic Nerf guns and their 10-20ft range. With the most powerful models, you can hit a target that is more than 100ft away.
Low or High Capacity Guns?
Some Nerf guns can hold only six darts in the chamber, while high-capacity models fit up to 100. Low-capacity guns are great for casual fun but automatic, high-capacity Nerf guns will give you an advantage in intense battles.
What Is Your Budget?
A majority of Nerf guns are very affordable, as the basic models are available for less than $20. While the best models can cost up to $100, most people will be happy with Nerf guns at half that price.